PAL Blog

Read stories and insights from parents and experts in addiction recovery. Everyone has a story, and by sharing, we can empower each other, and find paths forward – together.

A Parent’s Story

Articles by Parents Like You
There is always hope!

There is always hope!

​ After my son graduated from college, he lived on his own and picked up a few jobs before he started working for a bank - he was in his mid-20’s. He was doing very well at the bank and was working in the mortgage department. He advanced up through the department and...

I had to learn to accept the hard truths

I had to learn to accept the hard truths

​ When my son, Trevor, was 24, I had to come out of denial and admit he had an addiction. Trevor is my son with my first husband, Michael. Michael and I both struggled with drugs and alcohol. You may be thinking “No wonder he’s an addict.” Truth be told, with my...

The View from Recovery

Articles by People in Recovery
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

​​​​ “I shall be telling this with a sigh. Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by,  And that has made all the difference.”  -  Robert Frost I recently left a job I had held for seven years of my adult life....

Memories can be helpful…provide perspective…hope

Memories can be helpful…provide perspective…hope

​​​​ For many years I thought about giving up. Throwing in the towel. Letting go of life itself. And to a certain degree, that’s what I did. Drug addiction, in all its forms, is like a version of suicide via layaway plan; roll the dice everyday wagering your own...

25 Million People Can’t Be Wrong

25 Million People Can’t Be Wrong

When looking at stark statistics these days, it can be easy to lose hope. So many souls lost to the disease of addiction – especially these days with the proliferation of fentanyl-based drugs littering our communities. And while it’s important to stay informed – to be...

From Counselors

Articles by PAL and Partner Counselors
Don’t quit before the miracle happens

Don’t quit before the miracle happens

Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. When parents attend their first meeting at PAL or any other support group, they often come in with a range of feelings and mindsets (denial, guilt, anger, etc.), but what all parents have in common when they reach out for...

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

​ It is natural for parents to respond when their children struggle. When parents become aware that their child is experiencing discomfort, they instinctively take steps to try and help. Whether the issue is with illness, emotional distress, financial problems,...

Detaching with love

Detaching with love

​ If you spend any time around addiction recovery circles you are bound to hear a lot of recovery lingo. Mottos, sayings, and acronyms abound - and for good reason. These sayings are tremendously wise and pack helpful tools and perspectives into short memorable...

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